Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fighting the machine

Pay up Sucker
I fight my brain a lot. I have tons and tons of ideas that need attention I just don't know where to start. It blows. I'm trying to slow down the thought process so I can get everything organized in my head. There are things I want to build, things I want to video and write about. I want to simplify things so I don't have to rely on the man for a paycheck.  

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are working on that. The mind can be overwhelming at times. When I figure out a way to shut it off just for some peace and quiet, I'll let you know. :) It'll get easier. Just keep working at it and stay focused on what you want....even if it's one thing at a time. You'll get there. Remember, you can always throw ideas my way, too. You always have such great ideas and I love hearing them.
