Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wanting to go simple and minimal

It's been a while since I've blogged. Last time on the 'Times, it was hotter than hell and I think I got lazy and didn't mower cuz I pussed out and said the hell with it. I've come to a fork in the financial road. It's time to buckle down, grow up and get my head out of my ass. I have no money and when I say that I'm saying that I have NO money. I went from paycheck to broke in a matter of 2-3 days. Why? Because I'm an idiot. I got lazy. I didn't check the cash flow before I went stupid. Anyway, I want to take a different path with the blog and open up about finances.  I want to do live real time research as I get paid to see what the best strategy would be in getting things back on track with hopefully some money left over. I challenge all of you to take a look at your finances and ask yourself if you really need what you're about to buy.  How does it fit in your goals?  Will it end up in a corner in a couple weeks?  Are you buying said item to make yourself feel better, trying to fit in, trying to keep up with the Joneses? These are a few things to consider when buying something.


  1. We've been taking a hard look at our finances for awhile also and have been seriously considering the envelope system. My sister turned me on to it. You put cash into envelopes marked food, gas, eating out, etc. When you've spent your eating out budget...that's it! You have to know exactly what you need for things like gas and groceries to make it workable. And if you want to go on a long trip, you gotta have room in your gas budget.

    It helps get budgeting on track. I'll let you know how it goes. Let me know if you try it out.

    Good luck!

  2. Ya we have been doing that for a couple of years..... ( envelopes system ) .... it works..

  3. Good to know! Do you have trouble running out in one category at lot at first?
