Wednesday, March 17, 2010


After writing the post yesterday it was pointed out to me what to be thankful for. I could have it a lot worse. Even though my hours seem to be cut, I still have a job. Although I must admit I sometimes I don't contest the time off. I have to suffer the consequences. Anyway, it occurred to me that we must all be thankful for what we have. I have an awesome family. I have a house that I'm paying for a good running truck, food, clothes. Why want for anything more? Today is my dad's birthday. He's 60 today and we're all happy to have him around.

I was told I can do anything from a very capable man. I have two brothers who can pretty much fix anything they set their mind to. There's not much they can't fix. They just do it. They don't look at it and wonder if they can't. They just do it. They don't complain.

Road update: 475th is muddy.

1 comment:

  1. There's nothing wrong with wanting more out of life. But it's also good to step back and take a look at what you already have. It's refreshing to know that you have everything you could ever need (and more) right now. And you do have a wonderful family. I feel honored that you have allowed me into your life and heart and that I got the opportunity to meet them. That's all I will say for now. You know how I feel. :)
