Sunday, March 21, 2010

Customer Service

Everyone every day of their life is a customer service rep. Think about it. We have interaction with someone everyday. We have the ability to shape one's day. We have a chance to network beyond our comfort zone. We leave impressions with every word that comes out of our mouth. Think about that when things aren't going so well or when you want to say something to someone that you'll regret. What we say will effect our interaction with people. We get one shot to make an impression. Why not make the best of that and make a new friend? Why not network with someone? Find what you want by being kind. "Kill 'em with kindness" as mom has said many times before.

I struggle with this in my job. There are some people I just don't understand no matter what I try to do or say. I leave it at that. I'll try to make the best of the situation and make the person feel like they are getting what they want and it's something I can live with as well.

1 comment:

  1. Every day I interact with you is the best day of my life. Just thought you should know :)
